When it comes to achieving gender equality, we have so much work to do. And as much as we believe that women should be leading the charge, we need the help and support of male allies.
The #HeForShe campaign might be the most visible iteration of this idea, mobilizing everyone—not just women—to take action for gender equality.
With that in mind, we’ve incorporated male solidarity into the mission of our organization at every level.
Though our microfinance program provides loans to women exclusively, it engages entire communities. “Buy in among men is very important in the traditional societies we operate in,” says our founder, Shyam K. Iyer. “When they understand our concept of economic empowerment and give their female relatives the space to participate, the men eventually see the new wealth and opportunities for their families.” In addition to the male family members of our beneficiaries getting involved, men might buy quality handmade goods from one of our beneficiaries, or sell her the materials she needs. Our beneficiaries might rent space from men, or trade products with them. Our microloans breed a community of support and prosperity around our beneficiaries that includes everyone.
Getting men on board isn’t always easy, though. “In many of my travels I find that men feel challenged by this new status quo,” says Shyam. “After all, leveling the playing field means some of the advantages they enjoyed previously are now at risk. I have been in multiple situations where men aggressively asked me about our bringing outside ideas into their communities. It is up to us to listen and find ways to involve them.”
We also enlist the support of men for our scholarship program. During our careful selection process, we look for families who are as committed to their daughters’ education as we are. That means fathers who believe that girls deserve a quality education just as much as boys do.
It’s important to have men on board when working towards women’s empowerment—but it’s also important to recognize that our work benefits men as well as women. When women entrepreneurs thrive, their communities thrive with them. Just as when girls have access to education, they have so much to give back to the world as leaders.